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Search FAQs
Updated over a week ago

What types of questions should I ask?

Depending on your role, you may be interested in different topics - see below for some suggestions.

Customer Needs Insights

  • How do customers feel about our dog parks?

  • Are residents complaining about parking?

  • How do we make residents happier with the parking arrangements?

  • Which amenities do residents talk about the most? and where?

  • In which communities are people asking for reimbursements and why?

  • Are people looking for short term rental?

  • Where are people looking for short term rental?

  • Are customers upset about changing prices?

  • What is the most frequent reason for moving out?

Property & Risk Insights

  • Do we have any reports of snow or weather damage?

  • Where are safety and security risks being being reported?

  • What are the most severe problems reported by residents last week?

Community Performance Insights

  • Why do have an occupancy problem in <community name>?

  • Where do we have the most issues with dog waste?

  • Where are we seeing wifi issues?

Vendor Performance Insights

  • What are people saying about Poo Prints?

  • What is our customers' experience with Bilt Rewards?

  • Which supplier are customers complaining the most about?

Company Knowledge Insights

  • How much coverage do we ask our customers to have on their insurance?

  • Do we allow reptiles?

  • What do we charge for AC?

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